Mission Statement
The mission of the Evella S. Brown Media Center Program is to develop lifelong readers and effective users of information.
The Evella S. Brown Media Center at Todd-Grant Elementary provides all members of the school community with access to information, reading and research assistance, and instruction that supports the curricula and educational goals of our school. Integration of the Library Media Center Program with the curricula fosters a partnership with teachers and ensures that information skills are an integral part of learning so that students will be able to function successfully in the information society. The Library Media program extends and enhances classroom experiences and stimulates the development of a lifelong love and appreciation of reading and learning.
Media Specialist
The Library Media Specialist plays a critical role in the introduction of new learning technologies, support of the curriculum, and the teaching of information skills in a positive learning environment in which all students can become independent, lifelong learners.
Melissa Gordon, Media Specialist
Find Accelerated Reader books at this link
View your child's progress in Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math and Math Facts in a Flash at this link
Accelerated Basics for Parents
This link explains the basics of the Accelerated Reader (AR) program
A Parent's Guide to Accelerated Reader
This link has a more detailed explanation of the Accelerated Reader (AR) program.
A Parent's Guide to AR BookFinder
This link explains how to use AR BookFinder
A Parent's Guide to Renaissance Home Connect
This link explains how parents can use Home Connect to view their child's progress in Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math and Math Facts in a Flash.
Monthly featured people, animals, places, facts, games, activities, and other related links
Highlights Kids magazine links, resources, and games
Big Back Yard
Montly crafts, recipes, games, and activities to accompany Big Back Yard magazine.
Games, animals, and activities that accompany Ranger Rick magazine
National Geographic Little Kids
Stories about animals from the online version of National Geographic's Little Kids magazine
Stories, crafts, and activities corresponding to Spider magazine
Creative projects, audio recordings, picture book reviews, and games that correspond to Click magzine
Fun and creative projects, audio recordings, picture book reviews, and games corresponding to Ladybug magazine
Activities, stories, recipes, crafts, and videos that correspond to Jack and Jill magazine
Stories, activities, recipes, art, and poems that correspond to Humpty Dumpty magazine
Games and puzzles from Highlight's Puzzlemania Kids magazine
Online puzzles, jokes, and e-cards corresponding to ChickaDEE magazine
Educational activities that correspond to Chirp magazine
Phone: (912)-437-6675
Fax: (912)-437-5296
1102 C.A. DeVillars Road
Darien, GA 31305